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Protecting your multiple Facebook ad accounts: How to prevent bans and restrictions


Facebook is currently one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.7 billion active users. As a result, it has become an important platform for individuals and businesses to advertise their products and services to audiences worldwide. However, Facebook has strict policies and guidelines that advertisers must follow to ensure the quality and relevance of their ads, including ad account limits. Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in a ban on the advertiser's multiple Facebook ad accounts.

Why run multiple Facebook ad accounts

Running multiple Facebook ad accounts can be an effective strategy for maximizing the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns while minimizing the risk of getting all your ads suspended. Here are some reasons why advertisers may choose to run multiple Facebook ad accounts:

  • Lower the risk of getting all ad campaigns suspended: If you run many ad sets targeting different demographics in one ad account, one suspended ad set can make the rest get flagged or suspended. Therefore, running different ad sets on different ad accounts will minimize the possibility that all your ads get excluded and prevent potential damage to your marketing campaigns.
  • Ad account limits: Facebook has ad account limits that restrict the number of ads that can be created in a single ad account. Running multiple Facebook ad accounts helps you overcome this limit.

Why Facebook bans ad accounts

Some of the most common reasons include violating Facebook's ad policies, running too many accounts, creating misleading or deceptive ads, or engaging in suspicious behavior. In some cases, Facebook may also issue a ban if an advertiser's account has been compromised by a third party.

Although Facebook ad account bans can be appealed, the appeals process can be time-consuming and may not always result in the lifting of the ban. Therefore, you should understand and follow Facebook's policies and guidelines to avoid ad account bans in the first place. By doing so, you can ensure that your Facebook ad accounts remain in good standing and continue to reach your target audience effectively.

How Facebook detects your multiple ad accounts?

You should keep in mind that using multiple accounts on Facebook is against the platform's terms of service, and if detected, Facebook can take action such as disabling the accounts or taking legal action. Therefore, if you plan on creating multiple Facebook ad accounts, there are several factors that Facebook can use to track you that you should take notice of.

Here are some key considerations:

  • IP address: Facebook can track the IP address of your device, and if multiple accounts are being accessed from the same IP address, it can suggest that you are using multiple accounts.
  • Cookies: Facebook uses cookies to track your activity on its platform. Cookies will reveal information such as your login details, preferences, and browsing history.
  • Browser fingerprints: Facebook can detect your browser fingerprint and collect information of your devices and browsers, such as the device type, browsing and operating system. Thereby, Facebook can track if multiple accounts are being accessed from your device, which implies that you are using multiple accounts.
  • Behavioral patterns: Facebook can analyze your behavior, such as the frequency and timing of ad campaigns, and if there are patterns that suggest your multiple accounts are using the same device or IP address, it can suspend all your accounts at once.
  • Similar content: If your multiple ad accounts are promoting similar content or targeting the same audience, Facebook's algorithms can detect the similarities and suggest that your accounts are owned by the same user.
  • Payment information: Facebook can track payment information, such as credit card numbers, to determine if your multiple ad accounts are associated with the same payment method.

How to avoid Facebook ad account bans?

Facebook ad account bans can be a significant setback for your marketing campaign. It can cause you big loss of revenue and audience, disrupt your marketing strategy, damage your brand reputation, and result in the inability to advertise on Facebook in the future. Luckily, there are certain tactics that you can use to avoid that unwanted situation.

  • Use separate payment methods: Using separate payment methods for each ad account can help you avoid ad account bans. This can help prevent Facebook from associating your multiple ad accounts with a single payment method, which can be a red flag for ad account bans.
  • Monitor ad performance: Monitoring the performance of each ad account can help you identify any issues or red flags that may lead to ad account bans. This can help you take corrective action before an ad account ban occurs.
  • Follow Facebook's policies and guidelines: It is essential to follow Facebook's policies and guidelines when creating ads. By creating high-quality, relevant ads that comply with Facebook's standards, you can reduce the possibility of being detected and ensure that your ads are effective.
  • Use a separate device: Using a separate device to manage each ad account can help you avoid ad account bans. This can help prevent Facebook from associating multiple ad accounts with a single device, which is also a red flag for ad account bans. However, this can be very pricey if you are using a large number of accounts.

A thorough solution to the case would be using an antidetect browser to manage and monitor your Facebook ad accounts, such as Hidemyacc Antidetect Browser.

Manage your Facebook ad account with Hidemyacc

What is Hidemyacc?

Hidemyacc Antidetect Browser is a specialized browser designed to help users avoid detection by Facebook's complicated methods of browser fingerprinting. This software allows you to create multiple user profiles, each with a separate, secure browsing environment and a customized set of browser and device configurations.

By using Hidemyacc Antidetect Browser, you can minimize the risk of getting Facebook ad account bans. However, it is essential to follow other Facebook's advertising policies and terms of service to ensure your ads are compliant and performing well. You should also regularly monitor your ad account performance and make adjustments as needed to avoid getting flagged or banned.

Benefits of using Hidemyacc to manage your Facebook ad accounts

  • Create multiple profiles: Hidemyacc creates the same effect as having multiple computers with different configurations and profiles which protects your accounts from being detected. Each account is managed on a separate browser with its own cookies, local storage, and cache. You can self-customize fake parameters to create different browser fingerprints according to your need.
  • Add proxy for each profile: You can change your accounts’ IP addresses by adding a new proxy to each of them. Thereby, Facebook will not be able to track that your accounts are using the same IP.
  • Import cookies: When logging in through cookies, you can access your Facebook ad accounts with less suspicion. Instead of treating you as a stranger, the site will consider you as a reliable former user. Therefore, Hidemyacc’s Import Cookies feature is especially necessary when you buy new Facebook ad accounts and use it on a new browser.
  • Share with team members: You can easily share your created profiles/folders with your members without having to reveal the password. Moreover, your multi-accounts are divided into specific groups so that you can manage yours and your team more efficiently. Hidemyacc enables your teammates to access accounts remotely and collaborate in completely secured browsers.
  • Automation: The Automation feature enables you to automate repetitive tasks on your multiple accounts with less effort and more efficiency. Hidemyacc also developed a specialized tool called Hidemyacc Facebook Automation which supports farming accounts, daily posting, and automatically interacting with friends like real users.


Managing multiple Facebook ad accounts can be a challenging task, but it is essential to reach a wider audience and increase your marketing efficiency. However, with the risk of getting banned, it is crucial to follow Facebook's policies and guidelines, and use advanced tools such as Hidemyacc to keep accounts separated and avoid overlap. 

By using Hidemyacc, you can maintain your Facebook ad accounts in good standing and avoid the negative consequences of a ban. Remember, prevention is key, so you should take the necessary steps to protect your Facebook ad accounts when running multiple accounts.

Download Hidemyacc and start your 7-day trial now!

If you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact us via Telegram, Skype, or Facebook Messenger support.


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