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Hidemyacc Facebook Automation Tool


For regular Facebook users, they do not need multiple Facebook accounts. But as an Internet marketer, you will end up needing more than just a single Facebook account or Facebook Ad Account. Moreover, if you want to boost interaction in your Facebook Ad projects, you will need to automate your actions like click like, share, comments on your Facebook sub-accounts to make your Ad projects look positive.


However, it is not easy to create multiple Facebook accounts and automatically manipulate behaviors such as click like, share, or comment. Facebook has one of the smartest anti-spam systems that make use of a combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technologies to point out fake accounts and accounts managed by a single person or a team.

That's when you need to farm your Facebook accounts before starting to run Facebook Ads or automate your actions. Especially when you are managing managing multiple social media accounts at the same time, it is necessary to use an Automation Tool like Hidemyacc Facebook Automation Tool to save your precious time and effort for other important tasks. So let's dig in to find out why you need to use Hidemyacc Facebook Automation Tool now!

What is Facebook Accounts Farming?

Facebook Accounts Farming is to keep your accounts active by automatically liking posts, auto-adding friends, commenting on friends' wall, random updates on your wall, random like posts & more. You need to farm your Facebook accounts to increase Facebook trust. If your profile does not cause suspicion after automatic verification from social bots, this will help to avoid manual checks from FB employees.

Why do you need it?

After creating a new Facebook account/page, if you immediately try to publish an digital advertisement from a new Facebook page or from your new account, then the social network will block the request or require proof of identity. Or if you try to spam likes, shares, comments from your newly created accounts, sooner or later, all of your accounts will be locked!

You will need to farm your Facebook accounts for a period of time to gain Facebook trust. And here are the benefits of farming Facebook accounts:

  • Gain trust, increase the life of your accounts.
  • Not go beyond the automatic profiles checking by Facebook robots, which will allow you to perform more aggressive advertising actions.
  • Able to connect a virtual card to replenish the balance of the advertising account on Facebook.
  • Reducing the risk of switching to manual verification by Facebook employees, which will probably lead to account blocking.

What do you need for farming Facebook accounts?

The major problem associated with farming multiple Facebook accounts is the ban caused by many factors when creating accounts and how you farm it.

Basically, there are two things Facebook looks at to detect multiple accounts and block them. These are user behavior and browser/hardware parameters.

First, you will need to use separate residential proxies for each account.

Facebook has become smart in detecting proxies and has tightened its security to fight spam, so the best proxies to use nowadays are residential proxies. Residential proxies are proxy servers assigned with residential IPs. Unlike datacenter proxies, Residential IPs are assigned by your internet service provider. Residential Proxies mask your real IP by routing your internet traffic and requests via an intermediary server with a different IP address. This way, the website won't be able to trace back your activity to your real IP address. However, when it comes to affordability, residential proxies are expensive, so you need to calculate carefully because the expenses can increase dramatically.

Second, mask your profiles' fingerprint.

In the past, hiding your IP Address was the only thing you required to stay anonymous. However, websites nowadays have developed techniques to use your computer and browser settings to build a profile of you – and even without your IP address, they can still detect you. With Hidemyacc, things can't be easier for you to mask your profiles' fingerprints!

From canvas fingerprinting, to audio fingerprinting, and everything in between, Hidemyacc stops trackers from accessing your personal information. Hidemyacc software will help you hide original computer parameters and create multiple new computer parameters for each profile, supporting users to access the internet with multiple accounts without being detected. Download Hidemyacc here.

Third, collect Facebook accounts' cookies.

Facebook makes use of cookies to detect the behaviors of online users. You cannot just create accounts and start using them the way you want. You need to take things slowly. Collect Facebook cookies and use them along with these newly created accounts. Make Facebook things that your accounts are from real users. After a period of time, Facebook will have your accounts' behavior and they will loosen their grip on your accounts. Only then should you use them for what you intend to use them for.

To collect Cookies, you can use extensions on your browser's Cookie Editor or Get Cookie...

Features of Hidemyacc Facebook Automation Tool

Hidemyacc Facebook Automation Tool is a specialized tool developed by Hidemyacc for farming Facebook Accounts in bulk. Hidemyacc Facebook tool supports farming accounts, daily posting, and automatically interacting with friends like real users.

If you only have less than 20-30 accounts, you can farm manually. But when it comes to 100 to 200 or even thousands of Facebook accounts, you will not be able to handle it manually! You don't want to waste all of your precious time and effort on something that can be done by a tool right? Moreover, if you already use Hidemyacc to mask your profiles' fingerprints and manage Facebook accounts in bulk easily, why don't you use a specialized tool developed by Hidemyacc for farming Facebook Accounts? Because Hidemyacc Facebook Automation Tool is totally free for Hidemyacc users, isn't it like buying one and getting two instead?

Here are the features of the Hidemyacc Facebook Automation Tool:

  • Each account will have a unique fingerprint on Hidemyacc and each account will log in to a separate browser profile, avoiding being scanned by Facebook.
  • Automatically post photos, videos, links on groups/personal pages/fan pages and easily manage the post's content to make the market coverage campaign extremely efficient and fast.
  • Using multiple threads to farm multiple Facebook accounts at the same time. But each account will use a separate proxy and has a separate fingerprint.
  • Automatically increase virtual seeding comments when live streaming to help create a sales bait effect.
  • Interacting like real users (interacting with friends, adding friends, joining groups, interacting with groups, interacting with fan pages, messaging, commenting...) instead of doing it manually for a bulk of accounts.
  • Interact according to the scenarios you want, each scenario will have detailed actions to manipulate like real users' behavior.
  • Reach potential customers by finding friends, groups, fan pages related to your services/products.
  • Manage accounts by folder, easily manage thousands of accounts at the same time.
  • Back up your accounts automatically when it’s finished running.
  • Check account, cookie, token, uid|pass, mail, profile, wall.
  • Friendly dashboard, automatically updating information, password, date of birth, …
  • Supports many IP changing methods: xproxy, tinsoft, tmproxy, proxy, dcom...


There are only 2 important things that we have summarized are using Hidemyacc to create Facebook accounts and combining with Hidemyacc Facebook Automation Tool to farm your Facebook accounts to get the best result.

We hope that with this article, we have brought the necessary knowledge for you to succeed in managing and farming thousands of Facebook accounts without being locked.

Hidemyacc software will help you hide original computer parameters and create multiple new computer parameters for each profile, supporting users to access the internet with multiple accounts without being detected. Download Hidemyacc and start your 7-day trial now!

If you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact us via Telegram, Skype, or Facebook Messenger support.


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