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What Is an IP Address? A Simple Guide to Finding Your Device's IP on Phone and Computer

An IP address is a special series of different numbers used to identify and communicate between devices when connected to the Internet. Specifically What is IP address?? A simple and quick way to see the IP address of your phone and computer Hidemyacc Instructions in the article below. If you are interested, don't miss this useful share!

1. What is an IP address?

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a series of numbers that identifies each device such as a phone, computer or printer connected to the network. IP address is like “home address” helps devices communicate and transmit information via the Internet effectively and smoothly. 

In addition, the main role of the IP address is to provide identity to network-connected devices, thereby helping them identify each other on the Internet. Just like you need to know a specific address to send a package to someone far away, devices on the network also need IP addresses to ensure data gets to the right place. 

What is an IP address?


2. Advantages and disadvantages of IP addresses

IP addresses help devices connect and communicate effectively, but like any technological device, they all have certain advantages and disadvantages. Below are the strengths and limitations of IP addresses that you can refer to for a better overview: 



  • Allows devices connected to the same network to communicate with each other via IP protocol 

  • Ability to provide efficient data transmission over the network

  • IP addresses help users easily access the Internet system

  • IP addresses help administrators easily control devices connected to the network 

  • Optimize management processes, making them tighter and safer. 

  • IP addresses are a milestone marking the outstanding development of the network technology industry

  • IP addresses are at risk of revealing personal information if the device is attacked by a network or intruded by a bad person.

  • User activities and searches on the Internet will all be saved by IP addresses 

3. Common types of IP addresses

After understanding the concept of "what is an IP address" and the advantages and disadvantages that this tool brings. Below are 04 types of IP addresses based on the user's intended use:  

3.1 IP Public

Public IP address (Public IP) is an address used by Internet service providers (ISPs) for the purpose of transferring data from a specific address to organizations or families. This is a specialized IP address used by organizations and businesses to connect devices together and allow devices to access the network, look up websites or communicate directly with other users' devices. 

Public IP addresses are specialized for business organizations

3.2 IP Private

Private IP address (personal IP) is an address used in internal networks (LANs) such as home, school, company, etc. Unlike Public IP addresses, Private IP cannot connect directly with the Internet system, only devices using the same network system can communicate with each other through the router. The router will be responsible for providing individual IP addresses or users can set their own according to needs. 

Personal IP addresses are often used for schools and companies

3.3 Static IP

Static IP address (Static IP) is an IP address that is only used by a certain individual or group of users. Through this, connected user devices always maintain a fixed IP address, which does not change over time. Static IP is often used for servers such as mail, web servers, etc. to ensure stability and continuity during operation, especially to avoid service interruption when many people access it. access at the same time. 

Static IP addresses are often used for servers

3.4 Dynamic IP

A Dynamic IP address is an IP address that can change over time. When users do not use services that require IP Static, the Internet service provider (ISP) assigns users different IP addresses after each connection or throughout the connection process. When the device stops connecting, the IP address will be reclaimed and reused the next time, ensuring I optimize the gradually depleted IP resources. 

Dynamic IP Address will continuously change IP address when you disconnect

4. Instruct users to view the IP address on the phone

Below are simple steps to help users check the IP address on their phone, including how to view private IP address and public IP address.

4.1 How to view personal IP address

For phones running the Android operating system: 

  • Step 1: Enter "Setting” - Select item “Introduce" 

  • Step 2: Select "Status” - Private IP address is displayed in section “IP address” 

For phones running the iOS operating system: 

  • Step 1: Go to the icon “Setting” - select item “Wi-Fi”

  • Step 2: Select the network name Wi-Fi in use - See IP address in section “IP address”

4.2 How to view public IP address

Users have 2 ways to view the Public IP address on the phone: 

  • Method 1: Search “What is my IP” on your phone's browser 

Open the Google search browser (for Android) and Safari (for iOS) on your phone - In the search section, type "What is my IP" - The returned result is your IP  

  • Method 2: Approval Website to look up your device's IP address

You access the website https://ipfighter.com/ - The website will navigate to your IP address. Besides, you can also look up IP addresses through other reputable websites such as: https://whatismyipaddress.com or https://www.ipchicken.com.

View public IP addresses through the website

5. Instruct users to view IP addresses on computer

To view the IP address on your computer, you can also use the sites that Hidemyacc instructed above such as https://ipfighter.com/, https://www.ipchicken.com , https://whatismyipaddress.com

In addition, Hidemyacc has also compiled information on how to see the IP address in detail on Windows and MacOS computers: 

5.1 How to view IP address on Windows computer

  • How to view IP address using Network & Internet Settings

Right click on the icon Network (network) on the bar Taskbar - Select Open Network & Internet Settings - at section Status select Change Connection Properties - see the IP address displayed in line IPv4 Address.

  • How to view IP address from the Taskbar

Right click on the icon network on the toolbar Taskbar - select Open Network & Internet settings - select Open Network and Sharing Center - select the network name - see the IP address displayed at the line IPv4 Address.

  • How to view IP address from Task Manager bar 

Right click on the bar Taskbar - select Task Manager - at section Performance on the toolbar - select Ethernet or Wi-Fi - IP address displayed at IPv4 Address. 

  • How to view IP address using Command Prompt

Press the key combination Windows + R - then type “cmd” into the search bar - press OK - type command “ipconfig” into the window - press Enter

  • How to view IP address using Powershell

Press the key combination Windows + R - then type “Powershell” - press the key combination Ctrl + Shift - Enter to access the mode Administrator - enter command “Get-NetIpAddress” - press Enter - IP address will appear on the screen. 


5.2 How to view IP address on MacOS computer

For Macbooks, users can view the IP address through the following two ways: 

  • Method 1: Through Utilities, select System 

Step 1: Click on the icon Apple upper left corner of the screen - select “System Preferences” 

Tap the Apple icon and select “System Preferences”

Step 2: Choose Network (Network) - Below “Trang Thai” IP address will appear.

Select the Network icon on the screen


Below “Status” the IP address will appear
  • Method 2: Through Terminal 

Step 1: Press the key combination Cmd + Space - opens search box Spotlight - enter command “Terminal” 

Step 2: Use command “ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v” - IP address will appear behind “inet".

Check IP address through Terminal

 If you need to change your IP address to increase security and access blocked websites, you can use Proxy Server with the tool Hidemyacc. 

With the support of Antidetect tool Hidemyacc, users can easily change their IP address according to the Proxy address effectively. At the same time, with browser fingerprint change technology, Hidemyacc supports users to access the internet with multiple accounts with different identities without being detected and banned by websites.

Antidetect Browser Hidemyacc helps you to create and manage multiple accounts

Through the above article, hopefully you have a better understanding of the concept What is IP address? There are also quick and simple ways to change IP addresses. If you want to change your IP address easily, use the Hidemyacc tool. Contact Hidemyacc immediately for more detailed advice on the software as well as answers to questions about IP addresses!


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