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Why Is Your Amazon Account Locked? 3 Tips To Unlock It


Are you frustrated or scared of getting your account blocked on Amazon? Or do you want to understand the reasons behind why it was locked and crave desperately to get back to it as soon as possible? Then, you’ve come to the right place at the right time, dudes!

Why Is Your Amazon Account Locked? 3 Tips To Unlock It

It’s hard to imagine you as a customer not being able to get any products and use other services anymore, and of course, missing many sales from Amazon once getting locked. This can also cause a lot of consequences for your business such as your income, your brand, and your customers that you’ve been working so hard to build up for a long time if you’re a buyer, seller or drop shipper.

No matter what purpose you use your Amazon account for, it’s totally painful not being allowed to run that account any longer.

To help you get out of that stuck, first of all, it’s essential to understand the reasons why Amazon locked your account. Don’t worry, we will go with you to figure it out and also share some tips that may support you fix it, and providing some ways to avoid getting locked in the future.

Reasons Why Your Amazon Account Was Locked

Most Amazon accounts have been locked due to several different reasons. The principal one aims to prevent unauthorized transactions and fight against potential and suspected frauds. Their effort finally paid off by using Amazon Fraud Detector to detect suspicious activities.

The following reasons will explain why your Amazon account may get locked:

Providing incorrect or incomplete account information

One of the biggest reasons for getting your Amazon account locked is giving false or unfinished information. Because most sellers think that Amazon does not allow drop shipping, then they create untrue information such as fake names, fake shipping addresses, and fake billing addresses. But frankly, they do, Amazon permits you to dropship as long as you follow Amazon's drop shipping policy. They will apply some methods to check and detect whether your account is real or not.

Orders of returns are uncommonly high

The buyers all know that the returns are free for them and do not care much about the shipping fee. But for Amazon, they do care because they have to take their money from their pocket to pay for your returns. And believe me, nobody wants that. Hence, try to minimize the order returns and be attentive to the returns rate on your account.

Ordering an abnormally high number of items (especially for a new account)

If you’re a newbie on Amazon and so excited to order as many as you can (let’s say 55 orders within a day). You may be suspected and detected on the anti-fraud system soon. So just take a small step first like 5 or 10 orders per day, and then gradually come to bigger steps with increasing volume to 25 or 30 ones (it will be a safe number per day).  It would be a wise choice to avoid triggering “the magical weapon” and save your account.

Using too many Gift Cards

Gift Card on the Amazon platform has many benefits for all kinds of people no matter whether you’re a seller, drop shipper or buyer. Thereby, they hunt, buy and overuse them. However, is using too many Gift Cards as good as you think especially for a new account?

If you just start activating your Amazon account and go to purchase a Gift Card immediately and overuse them, your account probably gets locked right away. It is because they do not know anything about you as well as what your intention is. That explains why they suspect your activities and want to verify. All they do is just try to protect their system from fraud or money laundering.

Thus, keeping away from purchasing Gift Card is the best choice, and wait until you have a proven track record on the platform.

Signing in from different locations

The last red flag that may put your account “in danger” is using different IP addresses from various locations. That’s when you give Amazon Fraud Detector an alert to attack your account by locking your account. Since orders are being placed in your account from separate IP addresses, their security system will be triggered, and suspect it must have been hacked or stolen. Thus, this will be a high chance for your account to be locked in order to confirm that is truly you, not someone else.

Then, be careful about sharing your account with others.

How To Solve Your Amazon Account Locked Problem

First of all, you can base on the reasons we have just mentioned above to reflect on what you did recently on Amazon that can probably cause your account locked because we surely already heard “Everything happens for a reason”. Once figuring out the reasons why your account got locked, the only way to unlock is to prove to Amazon that you did not do anything illegal.

Below are 3 tips that can somehow help you to unlock your Amazon account:

  1. Get in touch with account specialist via email
  2. Call Amazon supervisor or account specialist
  3. Chat with Amazon account specialist

Let’s begin in more detail.

Get in touch with account specialist via email

Checking your email is the first thing you should do once your account is locked. So, you can know whether you received any emails from them or not. You can reply directly to an account specialist via email if he or she is the one sending it to you.

Just remember to read it carefully and provide authentic information and documents asked by the account specialist. It may include such things like:

  • Serial number of your Amazon account
  • Evidence of your default shipping address (eg: electricity bill, water bill...). You must provide clear and accurate proof of your default address on Amazon.
  • Gift Card receipt (if the reason your account has been locked for using too many of them)
  • Bank Statement with the Debit or Credit Card you use for payment with the Billing Address on it.

The more you are honest about that, the higher your chance of getting your account unlocked.

Call Amazon supervisor or account specialist

The quickest and most efficient way to open your account is to reach out Amazon supervisor or account specialist via phone number. You will first connect customer support representative. They will check your account information before redirecting you to the supervisor.

You will soon be able to have a call with the supervisor. It’s a precious chance for you to explain your situation and prove that locking your account was a mistake. Keep in mind to prepare all the required documents and information that the supervisor asks you to do. They will tell you all of your documents will be reviewed and give you the answer after  24-48 hours. You need to be very insistent and persistent in this case.

Call them if you’re in USA or Canada with this phone number 1-888-280-4331 or call 1-206-266-2992 if you live outside the two countries above.

Chat with Amazon account specialist

You can use this Amazon's Customer Service Help page to access the online chat features. However, this one requires you to sign in to your Amazon account. Due to your account getting locked, you may need help logging in with another active account.

Here is how to reach Amazon online chat service after signing in:

  1. Go straight to Amazon's Customer Service Help page and select the Something else option on the right of the top.

Amazon's Customer Service Help page

2.   Select I need more help when being asked what you need help with.

Amazon's Customer Service Help page

3.   Then, 3 options will be shown with 3 different ways to help you able to contact them. Next, you just need to click Start chatting now.

Amazon's Customer Service Help page

4.   A new window will appear on your screen and Amazon's automated messenger bot will ask you what they can help you with. All you need to do is just typing like this Talk to a representative”.

Amazon's Customer Service Help page

5.   You will receive a few options from the bot, however, the first two of which will lead to speaking with a real person. Select Chat with an associate now to chat with them.

Best Practice To Avoid Getting Locked In The Future

Avoid using Prime Service

Amazon Prime offers several benefits for its customers. However, if you are running a drop shipping business, it would be a good choice not to use it. Amazon pays for the shipping fee (it’s free for customers) and delivers huge quantities. Overusing it for drop shipping can somehow lead your account to get locked. Because they will regulate this one more seriously than their other services.

Reduce Gift Card to 200$ per day

As we mentioned above, having several gift card transactions within a day will cause your account to get locked especially for new accounts. Limiting them to 200$ a day will minimize provoking their anti-fraud detection system.

Buy Amazon low-cost items

If you’re a new owner, please don’t purchase expensive products immediately. Begin buying items at a reasonable price first. This sounds like a defensive strategy but still lowers your chance of getting risk. Once your account keeps locking, you will not have access to the orders that can cause a huge financial loss if having many expensive ones.

Create multiple accounts by using anti-detect browser software

To prevent Amazon from detecting your real IP and locking your account, you can use different IP addresses in order to manage your login credentials. It completely minimizes the risk of your business shutting down temporarily if one of them gets locked while others are still not affected. Thus, finding the Best Proxy Providers for Amazon with an anti-detect browser would best suit your needs.

For shoppers or sellers, you can put all your eggs in one basket and lose all or choose another wiser decision by open multiple Amazon seller accounts with Hidemyacc. It will help you to change device information including digital parameters and IP addresses to bypass the anti-fraud system. You can also manage easily several accounts just on one computer.

Key Takeaway

We hope this blog gave you helpful techniques to unlock your Amazon account which requires lots of effort, persistence as well as patience. Just follow some tips above and hopefully, you will succeed to be back to your account soon.

If you know other tips or tricks to unlock an Amazon account, please don’t hesitate to share them with us.


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